At the top of t his page, you can see four icons used to run your applicat ion and deal with administrative
tasks connected with the application. You will learn more about the three icons for Supporting Objects,
Shared Components, and Export/Import later in t he book.
You can also see the pages t hat were automatically generated for you when you c reated the application.
You could double-click on any of t hese pages to modify its appearance or functionality, which you will
be doing in the next chapter. Right now, you want to create a new page for t he application.
2. Click Create Page to bring up the page shown in Figure 2-27, which is where you will begin t he
process of creating a new set of pages to handle the ORDERS and ORDER_ITEMS tables together.
3. The page shown in Figure 2-27 gives you a number of choices for the type of pages you want to
create. Select the Form choice and click Next.
4. The next page gives you a number of choices for the type of form you want to create. Select
Master Detail Form and click Next, or simply click on the Master Detail icon.
You will have to go through a few steps to completely de ne the functionality implemented in the
master-detail forms. Although each step is quite easy, the left-hand panel displays a list of the steps,
and where you are in the process, to keep you informed of your progress.
5. The next page, shown completed in Figure 2-28, collects informat ion about the master table.
Select the ORDERS table from the selection list.
6. Select all the columns in t he Available Columns list, and click on the right arrow button to
move t hem to the Displayed Columns list. Click Next.
7. The next page asks you for t he same information about the detail table. Select the ORDER_ITEMS
table in the selection list and move all the columns to the Available Columns list. Click Next.
The next t wo pages will con rm the source of t he primary key value for each of the tables. Bot h tables
use a sequence to produce the primary key.
8. On the next page, shown in Figure 2-29, select Existing Sequence and t he ORDERS_SEQ sequence
from the selection list t hat appears. Click Next.
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